Completed Research Projects

  1. Passive Samplers and Mussel Deployment, Monitoring and Sampling for Organic Constituents in Anacostia River Tributaries. U. Ghosh, DC Dept of Energy and Environment and US Fish and Wildlife Service. 8/2016-8/2019.
  2. Application of biofilm covered activated carbon particles as a microbial inoculum delivery system in weathered PCB contaminated sediment. Kjellerup, U. Ghosh, and K. Sowers. Department of Defense, SERDP. 4/15 – 3/18.
  3. Long-term stability and efficacy of historic activated carbon deployments at diverse freshwater and Marine remediation sites. T. Bridges, S. Newell, U. Ghosh. C.A. Menzie. Department of Defense, SERDP. 1/16-12/17.
  4. Global Innovation Partnership for the Development of Sustainable Technologies to Investigate, Restore and Protect the Urban Water Environment. Global Innovation Initiative, The British Council. (Collaboration network grant to Newcastle University with UMBC as a partner).
  5. Site Specific Partitioning, Biouptake, and Toxicity Assessment for Sediments from the Upper Tidal Saint Jones River, DE. Delaware Dept. of Natural Resources and Environmental Control through Brightfields Inc. 6/2013-5/2017
  6. Monitoring PCB levels in fish in MD. U. Ghosh. Maryland Dept. of the Environment. Long-term MOU. (2017).
  7. In-situ Treatment of Mirror Lake Sediments to Reduce Uptake of Pollutants in the Food Chain. Delaware Dept. of Natural Resources and Environmental Control through Brightfields Inc. 6/2013-5/2017 .
  8. Newark Bay sediment porewater chemistry assessment. U. Ghosh. Tierra Solutions. 7/15-6/16.
  9. Treatability study for PCB impacted sands from Kure Island, HI. Coast Guard/Element Environmental. 1/15-6/16. .
  10. Combining bioavailability assays with modeling to predict PCBs in fish after remediation. U. Ghosh, A. Place. National Institutes of Health, NIEHS Superfund Research Program R01 grant, 9/2011 – 2/2016.
  11. Field Pilot Study of Activated Carbon to Reduce In Situ Bioavailability of Methylmercury and PCBs in Marsh Sediments. U. Ghosh. Dow Chemical Company/Exponent. 7/12-3/17 .
  12. Actively shaken in situ passive sampler platform for methylmercury and organics. U. Ghosh and C. Gilmour. Department of Defense, SERDP.1/2015-2/2016 .
  13. Bioamended Activated Carbon for In Situ Bioremediation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls. K. Sowers and U. Ghosh. Maryland Innovation Initiative Program. (PI Sowers)
  14. Site Specific Partitioning and Bioavailability Assessment for Sediments from South Wilmington Wetlands. Brightfields Inc. 3/15 – 7/15.
  15. Green Infrastructure for Urban Landscapes. S. Schwartz (PI). National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. 6/2013-6/2015.
  16. In-situ remediation treatability studies for Middle River sediments. Lockheed Martin, 6/13- 8/14
  17. Research on the Factors Influencing Mercury Speciation, Bioavailability. Dow Chemical Company/Exponent. 4/13-12/14 .
  18. PAH interactions with soil and effects on bioaccessibility and bioavailability to humans. Y. Lowney, M. Ruby, U. Ghosh, S. Roberts, R.A. Schoof, C.A. Menzie, A. Bunge. Department of Defense, SERDP. 3/10 – 6/14.
  19. Phase 2 South River Sediment Amendment Studies: Impacts of Activated Carbon Amendment on methyl mercury Production. DuPont/Exponent. 1/11 – 12/11
  20. Activated biochars with iron for in-situ sequestration of organics, metals, and carbon. U. Ghosh. Department of Defense, SERDP. 3/11 – 8/12.
  21. Identifying prominent sources of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contamination in the Anacostia River watershed. U. Ghosh. Maryland Department of Environment. 10/2009 – 10/2012.
  22. Pilot-scale Research of Novel Amendment Delivery for In-situ Sediment Remediation. U. Ghosh and C. A. Menzie. National Institutes of Health, NIEHS Superfund Research Program R01 grant, 10/07 – 8/12.
  23. Evaluating the efficacy of a low-impact delivery system for in-situ treatment of sediments contaminated with methylmercury and other hydrophobic chemicals. C.A. Menzie, B. Henry, U. Ghosh, C. Gillmour. Department of Defense, ESTCP. 3/08 – 12/12.
  24. Assessment of contaminant levels in fish caught in Maryland to derive fish consumption advisories. Ghosh. Maryland Department of Environment. 1/2009 – 8/2011.
  25. Marine debris and contaminant exposure to aquatic life. U. Ghosh. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Marine Debris Program. 11/09 – 8/11.
  26. ASTM Inter-laboratory Validation study for porewater PAH measurement using Solid Phase Microextraction. U. Ghosh. ENSR, 2/10 – 12/10.
  27. Measurement of PAH Flux from Coal Tar in Exposed Aquatic Sediments. U. Ghosh and P. Gidley, Anchor-QEA. 4/2010-12/2010 .
  28. The Determination of Sediment Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Bioavailability using Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) and Ultra-Trace Porewater (UTP) analysis. D. Nakles, A. Hawkins, S. Hawthorne, T. S. Bridges, U. Ghosh. Department of Defense, ESTCP. 4/07 – 12/09.
  29. Sediment remediation through activated carbon amendment: Long-term biological, chemical and physical monitoring of a field pilot in Trondheim Harbour. Gerard Cornelissen, Gijs D. Breedveld, Amy M.P. Oen, Upal Ghosh, Dag Broman, Øystein Stokland. Norwegian Research Council. 1/2008 – 12/2010.
  30. Rational Selection of Tailored Amendment Mixtures and Composites for In Situ Remediation of Contaminated Sediments. U. Ghosh, B.E. Reed, V. Magar, T.S. Bridges, R.N. Millward. Department of Defense, SERDP. March 2006- March-2010.
  31. Application of Tools to Measure PCB Microbial Dechlorination and Flux into Water during In-situ Treatment of Sediments. J. Baker, U. Ghosh, K. Sowers. Department of Defense, SERDP. March 2006- Dec 2009.
  32. Field Testing of In-Situ Stabilization of PCBs and PAHs in Sediment Using Activated Carbon as Sorbent. R.G. Luthy, D. Smithenry, U. Ghosh, T.S. Bridges, R.N. Milward. Environmental Security Technology Certification Program, (DoD). June 2005 – December 2008.
  33. Characterization of Contaminant Migration Potential through in-place Sediment Caps. B. Sass, V.S. Magar, U. Ghosh. 9/05 – 8/08. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (DOD).
  34. Deriving Reliable Pollutant Removal Rates for Municipal Street Sweeping and Storm Drain Cleanout Programs in the Chesapeake Bay Basin. T. Schueler, U. Ghosh, B.E. Reed, C. Welty. EPA Chesapeake Bay Program. July 2005- June 2008. $200,000.
  35. Purchase of an autosampler at UMBC for solid phase microextraction (EPA method validation study). U. Ghosh. Retec and Alcoa. 1/07 – 8/07.
  36. Minaturized and inexpensive wireless sensor platform for distributed monitoring of environmental parameters. I. Kostov. U. Ghosh, G. Rao. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (DOD) SEED project. Jan 2006- Dec 2006.
  37. Assessment of Areas of Concern Sediments for Activated Carbon Treatment. U. Ghosh. EPA Great Lakes National Program Office. 10/04-6/07.
  38. Development of Sorbent Pellets for the Treatment of Contaminated Sediments. C. A. Menzie and U. Ghosh. EPA SBIR Program. 4/06 – 9/06.
  39. Use of Caffeine as a Molecular Marker for Wastewater Contamination in Urban Streams. Ghosh.  NSF supplemental grant through Baltimore Ecosystem Study. 9/04 – 10/05.
  40. Preliminary Field Testing of Activated Carbon Mixing and In Situ Stabilization of PCBs in Sediment. U.S. Navy (subcontract through Battelle Pacific Northwest Lab) 7/04 – 3/05.
  41. PAH Partitioning and Organic Matter Characterization in Manufactured Gas Plant Site Sediments (Freshwater). U. Ghosh. Gas Technology Institute. 2/03 – 8/04.
  42. PAH Partitioning and Organic Matter Characterization in Manufactured Gas Plant Site Sediments (Estuarine). U. Ghosh. Northeast Gas Association. 2/03 – 12/04.
  43. In Situ Stabilization of Persistent Organic Contaminants in Marine Sediments. R. G. Luthy, U. Ghosh, R. N. Zare, J.W. Talley, T. Bridges. Sep, 2001- Aug, 2004.  Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (DoD).
  44. Measurement of Site-Specific Partition Coefficients and Risk Assessment for PAHs at Alameda Point, CA. G. Luthy and U. Ghosh. U.S. Navy.  March 2002- March 2003.
  45. Microscale Characterization of Binding and Sequestration of Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic Organic Compounds in Biotreated Soils. S. L. Larson, R.G. Luthy, and U. Ghosh. 2001-2003. US Army Waterways Experiment Station, Environmental Quality Basic Research (BT25).
  46. Identification of Location and Nature of Organic Matter on Sediments. U. Ghosh. Independent investigator proposal and request for beamtime, Advanced Light Source, LBNL. Jan 1999- Jun 2002.
  47. Gift in support of research. Alcoa: (1999, at Carnegie Mellon University)
  48. PCB Mobility Reduction by Biostabilization. A.S. Weber, J.N. Jensen, U. Ghosh, U.S. Department of Energy, Oct 1996 – Sep 1997. (Graduate Research Assistant)